General Notes

Installing Profiler server edition is optional, but should be done before installing Profiler client edition. Profiler server edition tests the performance activity of a scheduled agent or a web agent.

Profiler server edition works on Microsoft Windows 2008 and 2012 servers only. If you have Microsoft Windows server 2003, please contact technical support for assistance.


Installation Instructions

Install Profiler server edition on each Domino server for which you have purchased a license. It should be downloaded to the local data directory. Once there, open the installation instruction file from inside the .zip file and follow the instructions.

Click this button to download Profiler server edition for 32 bit versions of Domino.

After installing Profiler server edition, download Profiler client edition.

Profiler Icon@2x.png

Current Edition: 35.0.1
Released: May 31, 2023


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